Danielle is singing the songs you hear, the first one is in Latin and is from a recital, the second she is singing in church with Josh Childs.

(November 17, 1977- October 27, 1999)
Bright, Beautiful, Energetic, Love of Children & Animals ~ the greatest story teller of all. . . . .
our Angel Danielle
{God is my judge}
I have been so blessed ~ mothers in grief have reached out to me and my family to provide comfort and hope.  Netta is such a person. She lost her beautiful daughter Cara. She has been communicating to me and other mothers via internet.  Another mother, Sara (who lost her son Mark), creates 'angels' of our love ones that have passed.  Please click on the Danielle's Angel button to view the page that Netta created with the angel that Sara made.  My prayers include all parents who have endured the loss of a child. . . . . .

Mark's at angelfire.com/tx2/aras/markduncan.html

An Angel watching over us. . . . .Danielle Jacqueline
Danielle with her girl scouts at the end of the summer happenings program, August '99 just a few months before the accident.
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Above is the obituary as it appeared in the Harrisburg Patriot; it also ran in the Williamsport Sun-Gazette, The Lebanon Daily News and Pottsville Republican. Below are the individual pages from Danielle's service.
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My precious child, I long for your presence;
Your tender arms returning my loving embrace;
Your crystal clear eyes gazing into mine;
The gentleness of your hands and fingers, feet and toes;
The largeness of your infectious smile;
Shouts of gladness no more to be heard aloud;
My memory must recall the sound of your angelic voice;
Your life was cut oh so tragically short;
Your essence removed in one quick snuff;
But the light of your soul could not be dampened;
For it still shines like a guiding beacon;
Describing to me the way to be;
Allowing my grief to be used for God’s purpose;
Nagging my spirit to outreach to others;
Influencing me to minister to the least of these;
Encouraging me when I can no longer stand
Losing you my precious sweet girl;
Loving me as only Christ could do;
Enlightening me to God’s presence and will;
Seeing good works done reminds me of you;
My precious child how I long for you;
I wish for one more moment to be shared;
Life is so short, how cruel and true;
Eventually we will be united;
Saved by grace and holy guidance;
At last I will see your glorious being;
The angel of God that has been created;
Your gracefulness a sight to behold;
Our wings will then touch in embrace;
Until then my precious I shall always remember 
           Your soulful presence and lovely face …

 By a Dear Friend, Debra Wolford

August 14,  2008

My Dearest Friends and Family,

Death is a part of life, the part that grabs us with its mighty force and creates the emptiest feeling that exists on this Earth – a ‘pit’ in our being that feels the melancholy of loss, the sorrow of not hearing a voice, touching a face, receiving a hug, experiencing a life  – the cold, painful, silent absence.  All of these desolate descriptions of reality would not be if the opposite did not exist.  The differing senses of joy, happiness, contentment – all the feelings our departed love ones have in the bright light of love, peace, warmth and again unconditional devotion.  Opposite ends of the spectrum – we cannot experience one without knowing the other.

For me, my life has experienced the pangs of death, the saddest death of all, the passing of a child prematurely.  A child that was in the prime of creating her essence, her mark in the world, what she would do to make a ‘difference.’  Many say give it time – I say time is irrelevant in this type of loss and grief – it’s faith that will sustain. Faith is the belief in the sanctuary engulfed with the ultimate love and warmth of our Creator – the peace and contentment that is only found and felt in the Heavens above.  As I reflect on my thoughts put to paper, I know that my Mom, Marguerite Marie Peyzaret Balcavage, is experiencing the joy of no pain, the warmth of love by her Mom, Brother, Dad and her Angel Danielle, and supreme gratification.  This reassurance, not time, is what helps me to continue to live my life with learned patience, love, kindness, belief and faith until it is my time to join my departed loved ones.

Monique Anne [Balcavage] Derfler
[My Mom would like that I signed this note this way.]

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